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  Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology
The Collections
Department of Western Art
  Search the Paintings collection
Following the publication of the Summary Catalogue of Paintings in the Ashmolean Museum we now have our entire collection of Western Art paintings on-line.

Suspended Service of the Photographic Archives (All Departments)

Any further inquiries about the paintings in our collection, please contact: western-art@ashmus.ox.ac.uk +44 (0)1865 278046

· Introduction
· Paintings
· Searching the Paintings collection
· Sculpture & the Applied Arts
· Drawings
· Searching the Drawings collection
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© Copyright University of Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 2005
The Ashmolean Museum retains the copyright of all materials
used here and in its Museum Web pages.
Last updated: jcm/28-oct-2005
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