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Claude Lorrain: Landscape with Ascanius shooting the stag of Sylvia (w000567)The paintings displayed in the public galleries include such well-known masterpieces as Paolo Uccello's Hunt in the Forest and Claude Lorrain's Ascanius shooting the Stag of Sylvia. Particular strengths among the paintings are Renaissance Italy, Flemish and Dutch art of the seventeenth century (including the Daisy Linda Ward Collection of flower paintings), the Pre-Raphaelites (especially from the Combe Bequest of 1894) and the work of Camille Pissarro and his family (based on the Pissarro family gift of 1950). The Sands Gallery of Early 20th Century European Paintings and Sculpture was opened on the 20th June, 2001.

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  Claude Lorrain: Landscape with Ascanius
shooting the stag of Sylvia
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Last updated: jcm/3-aug-2005
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