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Department of Western Art
Miniatures: Enlarged Illustrations page 9 of 14
Miniatures Handbook Introduction

Title: Portrait Miniature of Louis-Sebastien Lenormand (1757-1839) with a Scene of His Parachute Descent, 1783 (gouache on vellum) by Blarenberghe, Van (18th =century) (studio of)

Plate 70
Accession number: WA1936.121

Title: Ballon Ascent, 1784. Portraits of J.F.Pilatre de Rozier and Pierre Romain who made a pioneering ascent in 1783

Plate 71
Accession number: WA1897.148

Title: Portrait Miniature of Lady Margaret Coventry, 1655 (w/c on vellum) by Hoskins, John I (1595-1664) & Hoskins, John II (1630-c.1693)

Plate 8
Accession number: WA1897.41

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